What a fantastic turnout at our Autotest Training Tutorial yesterday evening. We were oversubscribed and could take only a max of 30 trainees, mostly young people, who were fortunate to be trained by some of the best in the sport. It is so encouraging for the future of the sport. Huge thanks to Ashley Lamont, Eric Patterson, Harold Hassard and George McMillan. Thanks also to Richard Earney for his terrific video and tuition and to dad Colin Earney for also adding his expertise.
Our trainees were excellent and committed fully to the exercise.
We will follow this up with a further session, perhaps with a short autotest to follow. We will keep you posted on this website and on our MGCC Ulster Centre FaceBook page.
In the meantime, have a look at our Gallery for some photos of this superb event. More will be added shortly. (Click on the tab above with the title “Gallery” and then the file “Autotest Tutorial 2017”).
Have a look at this video of Katie Lemon nailing a tail throw after instruction by Eric Patterson: katie
Chris Irwin pulls off a nice tail throw through the line: chris tailthrow
Richard McCracken succeeds with a nose throw: richard nose throw