RESULTS HERE: Results Delamont 14 October[2807]
For the Ulster Centre, holding an autotest event at Delamont is like coming home. We have been privileged to have the use of these car parks for many years and the welcome from the park team is still as warm as it ever was. So thank you Delamont. We look forward to many more with you.
Our event started with the Tutorial and, happily, the rain that caught us all by unpleasant surprise, stopped just as quickly. Groups were divided into front and rear wheel drive and, in no time, young and not so young drivers were practicing manoeuvres they had only imagined before. The learning curves were practically vertical. Thanks to autotest expert Colin Earney who stepped in and took the FWD group.
And so to the real thing. This was the final autotest event in the 2017 MG (Ulster Centre) Championship Series. Two tests, to be completed 4 times each, were set up in the large car parks with a final run of the two tests joined together to make one long test. They featured fast throws and flowing circling of pylons but included a few hidden problems in the form of treacherous kerbs and tight turns and a few were caught out by both.
Not having driven a Mini Special for two years, Robert Dickson took to it like he had never moved away and romped to a well deserved victory. Runner up was Paul Lowther in the Stryker and third, in a stellar drive, was Richard Earney in his Mini Saloon. Recent ANICC Clubman Challenge winner David Jenkins was 4th.
Class winners were as follows:
Class 2 – Stephen Dawson
Class 4 – Gordon Buckley
Class 5 – Richard Earney
Class 6 – Malcolm McQueen
Class 7 – Paul Lowther (in lieu of overall winner)
Class 9 – Redmond McNamee
So terrific drives by many people, notably Robert Dickson in his usual flawless style and Richard Earney, neat and tidy as always. Great speed by Redmond McNamee and a remarkable improvement on Test 2 by Sam Dougan who took a full 20 seconds off his initial time and earned him most improved driver of the day. Ben Colhoun was also working wonders in a cheap-as-chips standard Toyota and achieved an excellent 6th overall. Well done too Malcolm McQueen who led home the MX5s with a fine drive.
Thanks to our marshals Colin Earney & Laura, Trevor Reid and Chairman John Clarke and also to Stephen Dawson who, because we managed to find sufficient marshals, was able to compete in the MGB. Thanks too to Carol for taking our entries, doing results and providing the tea, coffee and essential all-day biccies.
A thoroughly enjoyable day for everyone and an invaluable one for some in terms of autotesting debut and learning experience.
Our next event is the MG AutoSolo on 4th November. It will take place, once again, at Delamont and is a great place to start in motorsport. It is forwards-only and has wider turns so that a handbrake is not essential. Details, regs and entry form will follow on this website and on Facebook.
RESULTS: Results Delamont 14 October[2807]