41 photos of the day are now available in our GALLERY. Just click on the tab above and find the last file named “MG Day 2017”. Click on it to open and view the terrific pictures which have been provided by Raymond Brown and Vanessa Eakin. Thank you both for these.
Saturday 2nd September was a lovely day but the weatherman had other ideas for the following day. So it was – Sunday 3rd September dawned with lots of rain. Undaunted, Executive Marquees had a marquee erected before 10 am and the much heralded event took off. MGs started arriving soon after and each received a free envelope containing a booklet on MG through 9 decades, 2 admission tickets to the Transport Museum, a voting card for “The Car I Would Like To Take Home” – a card to describe their own car and a felt tip pen to do it by. All by courtesy of several advertisers.
Cars were marshalled into model groups as far as was possible but some hasty reorganisation was required to save the very wet grass from damage. The marquee was reserved for the dealers S.S. Logan and Ivan Mellon who displayed the new MG GS and MG3 models which created much interest.
The trickle of cars increased as members of the MGCC, the MG Owners Club NI, and the Rover and ZT group brought some really nice restored cars. A comprehensive range of models included M-types, J2, PA, T-Types, a Y-type, MGAs, MGBs, a RV8 and some very fine examples of the ZR, ZS and ZT range and the more recent MGF/TF range. A truly comprehensive group of 85 cars.
Many sought shelter in the Transport Museum among fine steam engines of bygone days and refreshed themselves at the café.
Congratulations to everyone who came out with their cars – to the stalwart marshals, to the dealers, and thanks to the Ulster Folk& Transport Museum for having us. Pity about the weather.
Mike Armstrong